There are a lot of ambitious projects which can be done to promote vocations within your ministry: a“Called By Name” campaign, a “Traveling Vocations Chalice” program, or a“Melchizedek Project” discernment group are all effective ways to encourage vocations. But they can take time, resources, and a lot of help.
Keep in mind that there are also plenty of small, relatively easy ways to keep vocations on the minds of discerners and parishioners that are free to implement and can be used year-round.
Here are a few simple ideas to get started, if you aren't already doing them:
—Prayers of the Faithful. Devote one of your Prayers of the Faithful each week at Mass to praying for vocations; “For the women of our diocese discerning a religious vocation,”“For the priests of our diocese, who bring us the Sacraments through their ‘Yes’ to God’s call,” “For our diocesan seminarians, as they diligently prepare to serve God and His Church as future priests.”
—Prayer Before Parish Gatherings. Before any parish or school gathering—committee meetings, banquets, sporting events, anything!—include an intercession for the young men and women who are discerning vocations to the priesthood or religious life, especially from your parish.
—The Seminarian Poster. Be sure to display our seminarian poster where people can see it! Not only are parishioners encouraged to pray for the seminarians, but it also helps young men to see that their peers are discerning a vocation to the priesthood.
—Rosary for Vocations. Whether it’s a group rosary before daily Mass or a parish-wide event, dedicate a rosary for vocations, or a rosary for the priests in your life. If you have a regular parish rosary, dedicate one decade to prayer for vocations.
—Mention Seminarians in your Bulletin. If there’s a seminarian or religious from your parish, keep everyone updated on what’s happening with him in the bulletin; “Brian left Friday for seminary, keep him in your prayers,” etc.
—Get teachers and youth ministers involved. Make sure parish youth ministers and educators keep vocations in mind when working with youth. There's a vocational aspect to every activity!
Just implementing a few of these ideas produce good effects to help build a “Culture of Vocations” at your parish!